miercuri, 11 martie 2015

Why ZenMamma

I am a walking paradox.

From the deep hollowness i am drowning into, arises my chronical empathy towards animal and human spirits.
I am desperately trying to decipher my  critical solitude.
I am deeply in love with the formlessness of the sea and with every artistic impulse that is inspired by it: mystical and tribal dancing, poetry, mandala designed drawing and revealling-the-strangeness-within-people photography.

From the wild or impassive darkness, as a mad inner yin yang, grows my continuous, unsettling, cathartic quest for raw beauty and art.
Facing art is  fully agonizing and blissful at the same time: I briskly slipp into an intimacy with myself. And from there, you can only imagine that the nakedness of your being will either enlighten you or destroy you completely.

I want to agressively demolish the social stereotypes and standards of beauty. Our open and sacred wilderness needs healing, before social manipulating predators awaken.

I am a tangled dreamcather. The nightmare i am keeping quietly inside will purely flow into feathers, until i have enough to sew myself a pair of wings.( and fly the hell outta here)

Bones and flowers are being stuffed in my ribcage - a cage for my crazy little heart, weeping for freedom, where all kinds of dreams are hanging. But i promise, i will only let the world-changing ones get away.

Because I want to help people transcend all their imaginary boundaries, I want people to live in a world of godliness, through the grace of awakening.

Because it is not zen for perfection, it is not zen for total calmness.

It s zen for the ecstatic oddness and asymmetry that grinds our mind and bodies.

It s zen for the confused ones, for the funky, heart-broken mummies, for the absent-minded kinds, for the trouble-makers, for the outgoing introverts, for the paranoic, for the schizophrenic, for the ones that love to dance but have panic attacks during parties, for the lazy asses with good intentioned hearts, for the ones with cold hands without anyone there to warm them, for the loud not knowing ones, for the winged ones, for the dreamcathers.

Because Zen is about interconnection. And nothing else.

Because I am ZenMamma

and I am irrevocably damaged to search for ocean waves within people.

And i will find them.

 I promise.

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